I love sleep cycle and have used it for many nights. I would like to see data on this as well and be able to set my own timer. Id also like to be able to turn the sleep sound on for the entire nap . Get er done
I love sleep cycle and have used it for many nights. I would like to see data on this as well and be able to set my own timer. Id also like to be able to turn the sleep sound on for the entire nap . Get er done
While I have enjoyed the SleepCycle app, this particular app is a disappointment. I expected the sleep under this app to integrate the data into my sleep patterns. Unfortunately, if I take a nap and use SleepCycle, it skews the data. I had hoped to keep separate data with this particular app. Also, as another reviewer indicated I do not move when I take a nap. Therefore this app does not work the way it should. My body is and has been far superior in waking me after a 20 minute power nap. My suggestion is to pass on this particular app.
Personally I have never been able to get this app to work effectively. The sleep cycle app is absolutely wonderful, but I dont feel power nap utilizes as much technology as it could. I keep attempting to use it (following the instructions closely) but each time the alarm fails to go off and I wind up sleeping for two hours. I!d recommend spending your money on a cup of coffee instead.
This app is nothing compared to sleep cycle. Dont let sleep cycle trick you into this app.
Works great for timing a nap and waking gently.
Awesome app and its super useful, PLEASE develop an Apple Watch component to better track movement/sleep!!!
Great ! Fresh Start
I do a lot of driving, sometimes it takes its toll and a power nap is just what I need. It works perfectly and I feel refreshed not groggy when the alarm rings! Worth it!!
Wish l had this is college. I was never good at napping, I would sleep too long and then l couldnt sleep at night. But this app changed everything. While its not perfect science the app does what it says- giving you just enough sleep to feel refreshed. The different nap options are great too. Def a fav of mine
Love this app!!
This has a lot of potential, especially for those that work nights. Im a paramedic, I work irregular hours, so that means naps are paramount. The problem is that the app seems to switch between the three scheduled nap times intermittently. The three nap settings are a great idea, if they worked. My last two naps as follows: 1. Set alarm for longest nap, it woke me up in 14 minutes. 2. Set alarm for power nap (20 minutes or less) and I woke myself up after 43 minutes because it had switched into the longest nap cycle. Please app developers. Get on this or Ill have to delete it.
I use it & it works. As long as i got a fairly decent nights sleep that prev night. I like wake up mood:)
***1-star for abandonment of a work in progress*** 1. Its missing a glaringly obvious feature: integration into healthkit/sleep cycle 2. No custom alarm sounds 3. No custom tap times 4. Missing pretty much all but bare-basic functionality of original sleep cycle app. (no heart rate, no graphs, no sonar-based motion detection, does not save *any* sleep data) 5. Included wake up mood feature is pointless, since it does not save *any* sleep data, including make up mood. (its just there for fun, I guess)
I really like this app, but please connect to sleep cycle cloud to integrate naps into the sleep total. I will give 5 stars then.
Usefulness of this app without apple watch support is limited.
This has transformed napping for me. Wake up fully refreshed. No more feeling like a zombie after napping. Highly recommended.
I recently bought this app, and thought, "Wow, this is app is really going to improve and help my naps!" But.. I was disappointed.. This app works great if you want it to wake you up before a certain time, but as far as it tracking your quality of sleep and providing you with data on how well you slept, etc.. it will not do this! Only the app, "SleepCycle" will do this for you!!
Im sorry, but Sleep Cycle is simply better. The nap times do not correspond to how long I have available to nap (for example, I only get fifteen minute breaks at work), and it doesnt have an option to use the microphone like Sleep Cycle does. I simply never use this product.
Great app for timing naps. So glad to have it!
As a regular sleep cycle user, Power Nap is an excellent companion, helps you get a great rest without falling into that sleep that ruins the rest of the day.